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4.4 ( 6384 ratings )
商务 购物
开发 jaeyeong jo

1. doogo 두고는 어떤 곳인가요?

doogo 두고는 어플 , 채널 , 웹사이트 매매 중개 플랫폼으로 국내 해외 모든

국가의 모든 매물 들을 누구나 한 곳에서 쉽게 거래 할 수 있게 도와주는 오픈 플랫폼입니다.

2. doogo 두고 에서 매매 거래 시 수수료가 있나요?

doogo 두고 에서 거래되는 모든 사업체들에 대해서, 매각자 와 매수자 모두

doogo 두고 에 지불하는 별도의 비용 및 수수료는 없습니다.

3. 사업체를 조용히 팔고 싶어요. 로고나 회사명을 꼭 노출해야 하나요?

doogo 두고는 매각 기업의 익명성을 제공합니다.

로고와 회사명은 비공개가 가능한 사항이므로 원하지 않으시면 비공개 처리가 가능합니다.

4. 내 어플 현재 가치 산출하기 견적 프로그램

MY - 내 어플 가치 산출하기를 통하여 견적가 산출

5. 등록 결제 진행했는데 광고가 안떠요?

doogo 두고는 관리팀의 등록 및 광고 심사를 거쳐 최종 승인을 진행하고 있습니다.

심사는 보통 24간 안에 완료되며, 결제한 시간이 아닌 광고가 승인된 시간부터 광고 기간이 카운트 됩니다.

Doogo NO.1 International, domestic, and global 150 countries

apps, channels, and websites Buy & sell

1. What kind of place is it besides "doogo"?

Doogo is an open platform that helps anyone to easily trade all sales in one place through apps, YouTube, and site trading brokerage platforms.

2. Process of calculating the estimate of the estimate program

MY - Calculate the value of my application

3. I want to sell my business quietly. Do I have to expose the logo or company name?

Doogo provides the anonymity of the selling company.
The logo and company name can be unreleased, so if you dont want it, it can be unreleased.
If you do not post the logo, doogo will be replaced with the default logo and exposed.
Net income can also be unreleased, and other items that are not required to be entered will be processed as non-entered.

4. Is there a commission for the transaction between Doogo?

For all businesses traded on Doogo, there are no separate charges and fees paid by both the seller and the buyer on Doogo.
However, for safe transactions such as distance constraints on overseas sales, etc., for smooth and fast transactions when requesting safety transactions,
We are going to deploy a global trading broker.

5. There is a total of 3 grades of advertisement for doogo.
Grade 1 : Special
- Exposed top large box + 3 lines of company introduction on main screen
Grade 2 : recommended
- Special Expose large boxes to the following groups
Grade 3 : preferential
- recommend exposing small boxes to the following groups
Class 4: Register one line
- One line of exposure to the registered company view
jump function. 6 times
- Exposed to the top.

Seller and Buyer Trading Brokerage Platform App

app , channel , website buy and sell Sales platform.

- Sign up in the language of your country

- Inquire and converse with seller and buyer through the chat function
(includes global translation chat function)

Fast trade negotiation through international/global real-time chat

- Provides anonymity for the selling company.

The logo and the company name can be set to private if you wish

to hide them.

Net income can also be set to private, and optional items that are not

will be left blank if you dont enter them.

You are more likely to have a buyer if you set your information to be ""public.""

- Anyone can become a global seller or buyer of the app channel website.

- Its a platform that provides a space for sellers and buyers to connect.

We do not intervene and assume no responsibility.

- You can register your sales records, make a payment, and proceed through
in-app purchases.

- 1:1 consultation with customer service center